‘And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers’
Malachi 4:6

Our Vision

To bring the Heart of the Father and the Heart of the Children back into alignment through the promotion of the Gospel of Love and Truth, as demonstrated by Jesus Christ, to this present generation.

Minister’s Banquet

Our purpose is to bring together Ministers and those involved in ministry for a time of refreshment and rejuvenation, to a place where they are built up and share communion and fellowship, where they can be waited on, served and revived.

Our work

Find out about the great things we do and how you can support our work:


Invite a Speaker

Inspire and challenge your church, conference or festival – get a Heart of the Father speaker to share amazing testimonies and powerful truth from God’s Word.

Ministers Banquet Ltd Company Registration No. 11785444